RESOLVED THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute an agreement for the redevelopment of County of Elgin websites pertaining to all County services, including tourism and economic development, to Sandbox Software Solutions at a total cost of $114,725 plus unrebated HST and annual maintenance costs with funds drawn from 2023 and 2024 budget years subject to the terms, costing analysis and conditions laid out in the report titled “County Websites Hosting and Redevelopment Award”; and
THAT the Warden and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute an agreement for the immediate transfer of all existing County websites to a hosted solution through Sandbox Software Solutions at a cost of $4,800; and
THAT the Province of Ontario be notified of this award under the terms of the funding agreement with the County of Elgin through the Rural Economic Development Program for the project “Re-Imagining Elgin County’s Websites: Creating Tech-Forward Municipal and Tourism Hubs”.
Motion Carried.