Warden Ketchabaw expressed appreciation for all staff across Elgin County for smooth operations for the emergency management of the Total Solar Eclipse yesterday, Monday, April 8, 2024.
The Chief Administrative Officer stated that a tremendous amount of people flowed into Elgin County and thanked Elgin's Local Municipal Partners for their outstanding work in managing their specific situations for the eclipse. The Chief Administrative Officer thanked the Elgin County Tourism Department, the Emergency Management Department, the Engineering Department, Central Elgin Fire Chief Ormerod, Southwold Fire Chief MacArthur, OPP Staff Sergeant Ian George and OPP Sergeant Mike Bradley. The Chief Administrative Officer stated that Elgin County was one of the only places advertised for eclipse viewing that had clear skies.
Councillor Hentz stated that the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich was busy with thousands of people during the eclipse and that he hopes the visitors from out of the area will return in the future.
Councillor Giguère stated that she saw many visitors in the area and thanked the public as everyone she observed were very respectful of property and contributed to a nice atmosphere.
Councillor Tellier also thanked the public for their cooperation and the local partners, emergency services, and staff for their collaborative efforts.
Councillor Widner stated the traffic at Port Bruce was unprecedented and that the washroom that was set up worked really well and that the local restaurants were busy over the supper hour.