RESOLVED THAT Elgin County Council endorses in principle the relocation of the Aylmer branch of the Elgin County Library to the East Elgin Community Complex; and
THAT Aylmer Town Council be requested to endorse in principle the relocation of the Aylmer branch of the Elgin County Library to the East Elgin Community Complex; and
THAT the Director of Community and Cultural Services report back to County Council regarding next steps in the process to accommodate the Aylmer branch of the Elgin County Library at the East Elgin Community Complex, including opportunities for public consultation; and
THAT Aylmer Town Council’s request “to establish a committee to advance the matter of a Greater Aylmer area Library” be received and filed based on the information contained in the report titled “Relocation of the Aylmer Library to the East Elgin Community Complex” from the Director of Community and Cultural Services dated January 28, 2025; and
THAT copies of this report be circulated to the Councils of the Town of Aylmer and the Township of Malahide.
Motion Carried. (9 to 0)